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|title= マウスの遅延型アレルギーに対する漢方薬の作用

Latest revision as of 09:00, 25 August 2010

[edit] Details

NOTE: If you newly created/edited a reference page, please click all authors' links to check their information. If this reference contains an error, please use Template:IncorrectReference to report the discrepancy. (How to input?)

Authors = 齊川真聰 小口勝司 中山貞男     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal = 昭和医学会雑誌    ( Other reports in this journal (9 pages))
Title= "マウスの遅延型アレルギーに対する漢方薬の作用"
Year = 2006
Volume = 66
Page = 360

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Kampo Formulas Reported
Formula Note Reference
Juzentaihoto 十全大補湯 ジュウゼンタイホトウ This page
Keigairengyoto 荊芥連翹湯 ケイガイレンギョウトウ This page
Orengedokuto 黄連解毒湯 オウレンゲドクトウ This page
Shimotsuto 四物湯 シモツトウ This page
Tokiinshi 当帰飲子 トウキインシ This page
Unseiin 温清飲 ウンセイイン This page
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