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|docName=Comparative plant table Rajshahi, Jessore, Tangail districts GI disorders
|docName=Comparative plant table Rajshahi, Jessore, Tangail districts GI disorders
|tribe= -
|tribe= -
|village= Choto bon gram village
|village= Choto bon gram (Bagan para) village
|district= Rajshahi
|district= Rajshahi
|localName= Bandi gach
|localName= Bandi gach

Revision as of 10:54, 15 February 2010

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Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn.

Bon mehedi (- - Noakhali)

name Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn.
Local Name Bon mehedi
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Green leaves
Ailment The green leaves are washed and crushed in a little water to form a semi-solid paste. The paste is applied to patients with skin diseases such as itching and skin infections.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Clerodendrum serratum

Dudhia (- - -)

name Clerodendrum serratum
Local Name Dudhia
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The root is used in blood dysentery.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.

Khrong-kha-bang (Marma - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Khrong-kha-bang
Tribe (Info) Marma
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The leaf is taken for stomach aches.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Vite, Bhat (- - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Vite, Bhat
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The leaves are used in fevers, and to stimulate appetite as well as to cure diarrhea in cattle.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Oli phang (Chak - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Oli phang
Tribe (Info) Chak
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Stomach ache, acidity, bloating. Juice squeezed from the leaves is given 2-3 times (1 teaspoon full).
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Local name: Vait, Bengali name: Ghetu, bait, English name: (- - Noakhali)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Local name: Vait, Bengali name: Ghetu, bait, English name:
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment A strong infusion of leaves is taken as a bitter tonic for coughs and asthma. Leaf juice is also applied to skin diseases and snake bites.
Procurement Kaviraj Bijoy Chakraborti, Maizdi, Noakhali
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Byte pata (- - Noakhali)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Byte pata
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Green leaves
Ailment The green leaves are washed and crushed to extract the juice. The juice is filtered, heated slightly and applied topically to patients for curing ear ache, toothache, and skin diseases.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bandi gach (- Choto bon gram (Bagan para) village Rajshahi)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Bandi gach
Tribe (Info) -
Village Choto bon gram (Bagan para) village
District ( Map) Rajshahi
Part(s) Used Young leaves
Ailment Stomach pain, acidity, fever. The young leaves are blended with salt and molasses. A small amount is taken thrice daily on an empty stomach.
Procurement Md. Toba Fakir, Choto bon gram village, Boalia Thana, Shopara Post, Rajshahi district
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bandi gach (- Choto bon gram village Rajshahi)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Bandi gach
Tribe (Info) -
Village Choto bon gram village
District ( Map) Rajshahi
Part(s) Used Young leaves
Ailment Stomach pain, acidity, fever. The young leaves are blended with salt and molasses. A small amount is taken thrice daily on an empty stomach.
Procurement Md. Toba Fakir, Choto bon gram village, Boalia Thana, Shopara Post, Rajshahi district
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Viti, Vhamut(?) (- Maniknagar village Pabna)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Viti, Vhamut(?)
Tribe (Info) -
Village Maniknagar village
District ( Map) Pabna
Part(s) Used Leaves and flowers
Ailment Scorpion sting, jaundice, skin diseases
Procurement Maniknagar village, Pabna
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bhati gach (- Shankar pasha village Jessore)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Bhati gach
Tribe (Info) -
Village Shankar pasha village
District ( Map) Jessore
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Intestinal worms. Leaf juice is given once.
Procurement Local people of Shankar pasha Village, Noapara, Jessore district
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Baita gach (Garo - Tangail)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Baita gach
Tribe (Info) Garo
Village -
District ( Map) Tangail
Part(s) Used Root
Ailment Colic pain. Root juice is given with ginger to relieve colic pain. The dose is 1/2 chatak (58g), thrice daily for a week on an empty stomach.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Wakk-ram (Murong - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Wakk-ram
Tribe (Info) Murong
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, root
Ailment Boils on the head or body of children, scabies, eczema, urinary problems, gastrointestinal tract problems. 8-10 handful of leaves is boiled in 2 liter water. The affected portions of the body are to be washed with the water twice daily in the morning and evening for 7 days. half teaspoonful of root paste is to be taken once daily till cure. Alternately, root paste is applied to lower abdomen twice daily till cure of urinary and gastrointestinal tract problems.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bhati gach (- Shankar pasha village Jessore)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Bhati gach
Tribe (Info) -
Village Shankar pasha village
District ( Map) Jessore
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Intestinal worms. Leaf juice is given once.
Procurement Local people of Shankar pasha Village, Noapara, Jessore district
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Kung-sroi-ma (Tripura - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Kung-sroi-ma
Tribe (Info) Tripura
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, root, whole plant
Ailment Stomach pain, acidity, redness of eye, malaria fever, fever, cough, anthelmintic, respiratory problem, aphrodisiac, analgesic. 1. Leaf juice is taken for stomach pain and acidity. 2. Meristem juice is passed through clean cloth and two drops are applied to eyes as remedy for redness of eyes. 3. Leaf juice taken one teaspoon full 3 times daily for a week acts as a remedy for malaria fever, fever, coughs, intestinal worms (anthelmintic), and respiratory problems. 4. Juice from the whole plant acts as an analgesic. 5. One teaspoon full of juice from root, alternately pills made from dried and powdered roots are taken twice daily for 7-9 days as an aphrodisiac.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Vati (Bhat) (Garo - Sherpur)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Vati (Bhat)
Tribe (Info) Garo
Village -
District ( Map) Sherpur
Part(s) Used -
Ailment Frequent fever, muscle ache, joint ache, gastrointestinal discomfort. Young leaves and stems of Clerodendrum viscosum along with stems of Tinospora cordifolia are squeezed to make juice. 75 ml of juice to be taken once daily for 7 days.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Go-mokha (Rakhain - -)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Go-mokha
Tribe (Info) Rakhain
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, root
Ailment Helminthiasis, toothache, lesions within the ear, fever with convulsions, malaria. 4 handfulls of roots and 5 handfulls of leaves are cut into small pieces and squeezed in 1 L water and then soaked in the water for 12-14 hours with frequent squeezing. The water is next strained through cloth and bottled. 2 tablespoon full of the water is taken thrice daily for malaria and helminthiasis. Leaf juice is applied to lesions within the ear and tooth ache.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bait (- - Tangail)

name Clerodendrum viscosum Vent.
Local Name Bait
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Tangail
Part(s) Used Leaf
Ailment Helminthiasis. 1. Seven tender leaves of Clerodendrum viscosum is mixed with 50g of whit (unidentified plant) and 25g salt, grounded and mixed with 100 ml water. The mixture is given twice.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.

Brahmanhati (- - Narshingdi)

name Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.
Local Name Brahmanhati
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Narshingdi
Part(s) Used -
Ailment Juice from the leaves is used as a remedy for whooping cough.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bamonhati (- - -)

name Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.
Local Name Bamonhati
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used -
Ailment The large roots are used for respiratory problems and bloating due to gas formation.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Bamus gach (Garo - Tangail)

name Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.
Local Name Bamus gach
Tribe (Info) Garo
Village -
District ( Map) Tangail
Part(s) Used Twigs
Ailment Skin rash. 5-7 twigs are used as talisman on the neck of children against skin rash. It is believed that it is effective only when it is hung by the maternal uncle of the child on any day except Thursday and Sunday.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Local name: bamon haki, Bengali name: Bamon haki, English name: Turk窶冱 turban (- - Noakhali)

name Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.
Local Name Local name: bamon haki, Bengali name: Bamon haki, English name: Turk窶冱 turban
Tribe (Info) -
Village -
District ( Map) Noakhali
Part(s) Used Root
Ailment Root of the plant is used for the treatment of cold and asthma.
Procurement Kaviraj Subroto Nag, Laxmipur, Noakhali
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.

Meremmo (Rakhain - -)

name Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze.
Local Name Meremmo
Tribe (Info) Rakhain
Village -
District ( Map) -
Part(s) Used Leaf, root, bark, stem
Ailment Wounds, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems like cough, asthma, swelling in any portion of the body, abscess. Leaf paste is applied to abscess or wounds. Root is dried and powdered and made into pills. Two pills are to be taken twice daily for 1-2 weeks. Alternately, leaf and root is mixed in equal proportions and juice squeezed out. One teaspoon of juice is taken daily on an empty stomach for gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems like cough, asthma, and swellings in any portion of the body. Equal amounts of juice from bark and leaves are mixed together. One teaspoon full is to be taken daily as remedy for above diseases. The mixture is also applied to skin for skin disorders. Brushing of teeth with the stem relieves toothache.
The information is collected by Prof. Rahmatullah, University of Development Alternative, Bangladesh.
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