Reference:King:,Proc. Chem. Soc.,1957, ,341

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Authors = King     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal = Proceedings of the Chemical Society (Great Britain)    ( Other reports in this journal (4 pages))
Year = 1957
Volume =
Page = 341

Species-metabolite information in this article

Species-Flavonoid Relationship Reported
Species ID Metabolite Name Reference
Actinocheita filicina FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Amphipterygium adstringens FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Baeria chrysostoma FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Bidens spp. FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Cosmos sulphureus FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Cotinus spp. FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Cyperus alopecuroides FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Cyperus capitatus FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Dahlia variabilis FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Malosma laurina FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Metopium spp. FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Passiflora sexflora FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Rhus javanica FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Toxicodendron spp. FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page
Viguiera multiflora FL1A1CNS0001 Sulfuretin This page

Annotation Note: There are more authors for this research article.

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