KampoReference:中原恭子:,Prog Med,2002,22,2775

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Authors = 中原恭子     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal = Progress in Medicine    ( Other reports in this journal (332 pages))
Title= "月経前症候群に対する漢方治療の試み"
Year = 2002
Volume = 22
Page = 2775

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Formula Note Reference
Kamikihito 加味帰脾湯 カミキヒトウ This page
Kamishoyosan 加味逍遙散 カミショウヨウサン This page
Keishibukuryogan 桂枝茯苓丸 ケイシブクリョウガン This page
Tokishakuyakusan 当帰芍薬散 トウキシャクヤクサン This page
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