Reference:Nakayama M:Yamaguchi M:Urashima O:Kan Y:Fukui Y:Yamaguchi Y:Koshioka M:,Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.,1999,63,1509

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Authors = Biotechnology     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal = [ Bioscience    ( and_Biochemistry;_日本農芸化学会_]|Reference|Other reports in this journal (0 pages))
Year = Nakayama M:Yamaguchi M:Urashima O:Kan Y:Fukui Y:Yamaguchi Y:Koshioka M:
Volume = Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.
Page = 1999
Authors =     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal = 1509    ()
Year =
Volume =
Page = first page only

Species-metabolite information in this article

Species-Flavonoid Relationship Reported
Species ID Metabolite Name Reference
Tulipa gesneriana FL7AAGGL0045 Delphinidin 3- [ 6- (2-acetylrhamnosyl) glucoside ] This page
Tulipa gesneriana FL7AAGGL0046 Delphinidin 3- [ 6- (3-acetylrhamnosyl) glucoside ] This page
Tulipa gesneriana FL7AAGGA0003 Delphinidin 3- (6-rhamnosylgalactoside) This page
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